Live the experience of sharing the home of a local family.

Do you like adventure and nature? Do you like to get to know different cultures and spend time in local communities?

The Tesoro Escondido Reserve is for you!

We offer comfortable lodging in houses of farmer families who live around the reserve. They have arranged their houses to receive visitors. In this way we offer the complete experience of rural Ecuador sharing with our team and local collaborators.

The houses do not have electricity; however, a generator and solar panel batteries operate at night. We offer 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and we offer different menus in case of dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, celiac). This type of accommodation creates a network of services that benefits more members of the local communities, who support us by protecting the forests.

Do you want to visit us?

Basic Package $200

4 days – 3 nights

Day 1: Arrival at the Tesoro Escondido Reserve late afternoon.

Day 2: During the day, a walk along the trails of the reserve observing wildlife such as brown-headed spider monkeys, howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, different species of birds ending in a beautiful waterfall. At night, a walk along a nearby river in search for amphibians and reptiles. It is possible to observe glass frogs and other amazing herpetofauna.

Day 3: During the day, a walk through our trails in the reserve to go see the Harpy Eagle’s nest and other wildlife, ending in a natural, crystal clear pool where you can swim. In the afternoon and evening you will learn about the process of collection, fermentation and drying of the high quality nacional cacao and then you can help in the preparation of delicious artisanal chocolate.

Day 4: Breakfast, short visit to community projects, Return to Quito.

Price p / p: $ 200

  • Three nights’ accommodation
  • Three meals per day
  • Unlimited coffee, tea
  • Mules for the luggage
  • Guidance and support from the reserve’s team.
  • Air ticket to Ecuador
  • Health insurance
  • Snacks
  • Transportation
  • Van from Quito to Pedro Vicente Maldonado round trip: $ 120 (capacity 4 people) Estimated time 2.5 hours.
  • Aloag, Kennedy, San Pedrito bus cooperatives leaving from the North terminal Carcelén Quito-Pedro Vicente Maldonado $ 4.50 per person. Estimated time 3 hours.
  • Van from Pedro Vicente Maldonado to the entrance of the Tesoro Escondido Reserve round trip: $180 (capacity 4 people in the cabin, 6 people in the back) Estimated time 3-4 hours.
  • If you travel from Quinindé or Santo Domingo you can easily reach Golondrinas by public bus. Van from Golondrinas to the reserve round trip $ 120.

We highly recommend that you hire our transportation services due to the distance and conditions of the roads to the reserve. If you are going on your own transportation, you must obtain a permit from us to present at the barge that crosses the Canandé River.


  • light zip off field trousers, light shirts, long sleeves for evening walks.
  • Spare dry/clean set of clothes for evenings / time off (light, long sleeves/legs for mosquito protection)
  • Something to sleep in
  • Lightweight fleecy jacket/sweater for rainy / chillier times.
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Sun hat
  • Swim suit, a towel.
  • Wellies are basic, you can buy them in Ecuador for a cheap price ($10). Make sure the wellies don’t have fabric on the inside.  We can also rent some for $2.
  • Sandals / flip flops
  • Small headtorch and spare batteries
  • Water bottle
  • Insect repellent, sun block
  • We provide shampoo, conditioner and soap, if you want to bring your own, make sure it is biodegradable