We want to tell you about garbage pollution in the community, how it affects the environment and how we can avoid it. Have you seen scattered garbage in some sectors of our community…? REDUCE
Garbage in Hoja Blanca Community has become the most visible and serious environmental problem. The problem arises when people dispose of the trash they generate in an inappropriate way. Did you know that garbage stops being garbage when we give it a later use…? REUSE.
Garbage is very harmful to our health; however, it is normal for us to see garbage flow in the river or to see debris spilled on the roads. We are not aware, or do not know, what to do with it; we simply throw it away. Did you know that several people in the community, especially women who wash clothes in the river, have skin diseases product of water pollution…? RECYCLE.
Photo: Garbage collected in the Hoja Blanca River
Tomada por: Rosa Cedeño y Génesis Moreira
Foto: Basureros hechos con botellas recicladas.
Tomada por: Rosa Cedeño y Génesis Moreira
Garbage is generated by human activities and it is classified according to its composition. According to it we can give it different uses before its final disposal:
Organic trash: is the waste of biological origin, part of something that was alive. For example, leaves, branches, husks, household food waste. Remember that to make compost to get fertilizer, you should use only husks and leaves; do not use fat, meat or oils, although these also come from a living being.
Inorganic waste: It is any waste of non-biological origin, of industrial origin or of some no natural process. For example, plastics, synthetic fabrics, cans, batteries, etc. Many things can now be done from this type of garbage, from plastic cement to utilitarian products such as garbage dumps and vertical orchards. Some elements of this type of garbage are sold for economic benefits.
Our commitment as environmental education teachers is to continue with recycling campaigns through the collection of bottles and batteries. Together we can give another image to our community. Will you join us?
Written by: Rosa Cedeño y Genesis Moreira
Parabiologists of Tesoro Escondido Reserve